Новый выпуск Подземелья Чикен Карри #33 Зверь Фест (Мягкова, Бустер, Котельникова, Гудков, BRB).
Участники: Ира Мягкова, Вера Котельникова, Слава Бустер, Александр Гудков, Большой Русский Босс.
Авторы ПЧК: Вадим Селезнёв, Григорий Шатохин
Мастер Игры (ведущий): Александр Бреганов ()
Художники «Подземелий»: Катя Гандрабура, Гульсина Ганиева, Варя Макарчева, Маша Брагина, Аня Куртукова, Лиза Воронина, Лиза Гавриленко, Никита Кондратьев.
Режиссёр монтажа: Александр Розов.
Саунд-дизайнер: Татьяна Булычёва.
Музыка / Music: Battle of the Creek, Celebration, Mountain Walk, Gjallar, Forest walk, Tavern loop one, Entertainment, Skaga, Borgar, Wonderland, Daudir, Stöðvar, Fantasy Ambience, Hymn to the Gods, Dark Hollows, Shelter Song, Winter Night, Battlefield, Passage of time, The songs of sirens, We three celtic kings, Blood eagle, Bach s Bourree in celtic minor, Dragonquest, Adventure, Adventure beyond, Adventure (Remaster), Wanderer, Tavern brawl, Roaming Three, Battle of Creek, Frost, Blacksmith, The Northern Path, Grundar, Borgar (2023), Horsemen Approach, Highland song, Prepare for War, Viking intro (loop), Voice of an Angel One, Cockroaches, Wonderland, Halloween Textures, Halloween Theme, Executioner, Mega Heavy Suspense, Tranquil Fields Eastern, Mjolnir, Prepare for War, Haunted House, Waves of Treasure, Celtic Ambiance, Afterlife, Heavy Suspense, Countdown, Suspensify, Grim Reaper, Beyond the Horizon, Hor Hor, Dogfight, Ignition, Might Magic, Better Times, Eternity, Crossroads, Futuristic, Headless Horseman, Shadow Whispers, Fairy of the Forest, Brothers Unite, Wayfarer, Facing Storm, Reaching the Sky Long Version, Tranquil Fields Eastern - Loop Ready, Dawn, Night of Mystery, Escape, Aka Manah 2021, The Story, Near End Action, Transmission, Hymn of the Mountain, Sunguard, Vopna, Fólkvangr, Emotional Guitar Improvisation, Nomadic Sunset, Village Ambiance, Impact, Autumn Walk, Emotionalism no drums, Dramatic Interlude, Mysterious Adventure, Unsafe Roads, The Enemy, Shadowreign, Might & Magic, Vetur Frosti, Battle Loop, Mjói, The Cold Battle, The Great Battle, Find Them, Lights Templar, Bloodmoon Ritual, Towards the Horizon, One Bard Band, Pantscrapper, Horrorscape, Haven, Townsong.
Achievement by Alexander Nakarada () Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License