The Agony - Evil Angel, Rock of Sadská 2015

Lighters up chaps, try not to drop a tear, Evil Angel with new soul-touching intro. Přátelé, kamarádi, vytáhněte kapesníky, to se málo ví, ale heavy rockovej nářez Evil Angel byla původně děsně dojemná balada. ___↓↓↓Info↓↓↓___ Lyrics/Text: I fell under your spell, I lay where I fell. You made me fall of heaven and rise from hell. My heart’s on fire, can you see the flame? Such a strong desire, it’s driving me insane. Do you know you are my evil angel? The one I need, but I’m afraid to show, yeah, you know you are my evil angel, love me, hurt me, and then you go. I fell under your spell, I lay where I fell. You made me fall of heaven and rise from hell. The illusion is broken, you know it’s true, closed doors are opened, yet I still want you. I want more! Will you let me be your evil angel?
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