️ What threats Ukrainian bio-laboratories under US patronage pose?

️ What threats Ukrainian bio-laboratories under US patronage pose? Highlights from the report by RT journalist Murad Gazdiyev: Information published by the former mayor of Genichesk about plans to “destroy a third of Russia’s population“; The African swine fever, which broke out more than a decade ago and affected not only Russia but also neighbouring countries, has been linked to the activities of biolaboratories; The US State Department actively sponsors similar projects in foreign countries, including the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Africa, and Ukraine; One of the locations for the “scientific facilities“ was chosen to be in the vicinity of Mariupol (DPR, new Russian Region), but the laboratories were “cleaned out“ before Russian troops arrived; White House officials do not comment on the reasons for the placement of biolabs around the Russian Federation, explaining their activities with the general term “scientific research.“ ▪️ Earlier it was reported about two American b... Source: DruschbaFM - English
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