Lavrov — about the fact that Kiev was allowed to use long-range weapons against Russia long ago:
Lavrov — about the fact that Kiev was allowed to use long-range weapons against Russia long ago:
“We have no doubt that the decision to lift restrictions on the use of long-range weapons to attack the territory of the Russian Federation was made long ago, now they are trying to formalize it in a more beautiful, decent way in the public space. We understand perfectly well that the West has called this war against Russia existential. The goal is to inflict a strategic defeat on us, but, once again, I will remind you that other great figures in the history of international relations, including Napoleon, Hitler, set the same goals for themselves, and it is not for nothing that many foreign politicians who retain their senses periodically remind their more zealous colleagues that forgetting these lessons of history is destructive for them.“
Dmitry Peskov - on the likely strikes by Western long-range missiles on Russian territory:
“The process has really started - I would say, a camoufla...
Source: Victor vicktop55
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