Are you still trying to convince yourself that voters are fleeing you en masse because you haven’t explained your policies well
“Are you still trying to convince yourself that voters are fleeing you en masse because you haven’t explained your policies well enough? Quite the opposite. Citizens have clearly understood that your policies are leading to the destruction of prosperity, to deindustrialization. You are the “chancellor of decline“, Mr. Scholz“
Alice Weidel, co-chair of the opposition party “AfD“, rolled over the current government like a tank at a session of the German parliament.
The mine on the face of the “chancellor of decline“ is priceless.
Source: Victor vicktop55
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1 week ago 00:02:22 1
Верное исполнение романса Сергея Рахманинова “Здесь хорошо“. Исполняет Юрий Гуляев, 1978 год
1 week ago 00:00:13 1
Да что ты черт побери такое несешь ? (Банды Нью-Йорка)