[Chipspeech - ] World’s End Dancehall [wowaka Cover]
Original song by wowaka (RIP)
UST by Tanjiro (bless you dude):
Vocals done with Plogue Chipspeech
Vocal Editing, Mixing, and Artwork by Chiploider (me)
MP3 Download (for your listening pleasure, do not repost):
Feels weird dumping more videos on this channel after not having anything for like a month, but it does kinda feel good to get more content out! I’ve been working on some smaller-scale covers and projects in between the Alice cover (that was a lot of work for me in between both the music and art so I kinda took a lot of breaks during the whole process) mostly based on midis and USTs done by other people, so while I’m working on other “big“ projects I should have like... semi-regular uploads for a while? idk, we’ll see. I’ve thought about staggering vids and doing weekly uploads but I kinda wanna keep this channel a “when I feel like it“ thing and keep it just for fun/as a side hobby instead of making it A Hustle.