Rainbow - mistreated live 1996

To celebrate Ritchie´s recent birthday. Here is a stunning solo from the man in black. Deep purple in general and Jon Lord & Blackmore in perticular was the main reason i picked up the guitar lightyears ago and started writing music. I still to this day remember the breathtaking experience when i , seven years old , got my first record, In Rock with Deep Purple. The sounds that came out of the low-budget speakers gave me goose-bumps all over. Especially the organ , something my fellow musicians to this day suffer from when the hear my dreaded comment : - Well how about an organ solo ? I´d rather hear an nice organ solo than to have to commit myself to a guitarsolo. The story is that i started playing guitar at the the age of 17. Ten years after the purple experience. Well this is for Jon Lord - RIP & Ritchie who had the courage to pursuit a new career who gave us a chance to hear his wonderful accoustic playing. Which we did not hear so much with purple & rainbow. - long live roc
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