How I got one of the RAREST skins in CS:GO...

Recently ohne featured a little tec-9 I had in my inventory, but not just any tec-9. What do you guys think of this CRAZY tec-9 and it’s history? Ohne’s channel: Discord: Snapchat: SparklesYT Steam: Facebook: Twitch: Want to be featured in a clip? (Only CRAZY footage) If so, click here to submit them!: Giveaway plugin stuff: Chrome: Firefox: MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCna0UmhYIZ8lSpCWBp4KbGEoeroKj0HJf/XC8547q7qx4IAZpYv6ZePa8/lxFJaS0Ztju2L59sFRZtQ2DYZolMSL0v9hEevUedYNmOTu7YLFpEWunmKwLhjGGGqFSXm6EOrs ukPtCv4mXTVBrI08kB474qNlH8m zYSx8l mJ1wIDAQAB
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