Carl Jung & The Psychology of Self-Sabotage (feat. Emerald)

FREE Shadow integration Masterclass: Shadow Playlist: Why do we self-sabotage? How come that we wreck our own plans without any good reason? Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung discovered plausible answers to these questions as he became aware of a part of the psyche that he called the Shadow. We can see the Shadow as a psychological container within the realm of the unconscious. In this dark place, where the light of our conscious awareness does not reach, we store our undesirable traits. Luckily, there are ways to stop this self-sabotage. Instead of repressing what’s in the Shadow, Jung urged us to integrate it into our personality. And we can only do this by making the unconscious conscious and discovering what’s hiding underneath. This video explores Carl Jung & the psychology of self-sabotage, featuring Emerald from The Dia
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