Фестиваль Вербье 2024 - Мендельсон, Чайковский, Мусоргский- Yunchan Lim in recital Mendelssohn Tchaikovsky Mussorgsky

00:00 studio Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Songs Without Words, Op. 19 08:28 1. Andante con moto in E Major Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Songs Without Words, Op. 85 12:36 4. Andante sostenuto in D major Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, The Seasons, Op. 37a 15:38 1. January: At the Fireside 2. February: Carnival 23:22 3. March: Song of the Lark 4. April: Snowdrop 28:32 5. May: Starlit Nights 32:15 6. Juin: Barcarolle 36:56 7. July: Song of the Reaper 38:37 8. August: Harvest 41:39 9. September: The Hunt 44:30 10. October: Autumn Song 49:46 11. November: Troika 52:56 12. December: Christmas studio Modest Mussorgsky, Pictures at an Exhibition 1:19:27 Promenade (I) I. Gnomus (The Gnome) 1:23:11 Promenade (II) 1:24:08 II. Il vecchio castello (The Old Castle) 1:28:08 Promenade (III) 1:28:37 III. Tuileries: Dispute d’enfants après jeux (Children’s Quarrel After Games) 1:29:37 IV. Bydlo (Cattle) 1:32:18 Promenade (IV) 1: V. Balet nevylupivshikhsya ptentsov (Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks) 1: VI. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle 1:36:44 VII. Limoges. Le marché: La grande nouvelle (Limoges. The Market: The Great News) 1:38:05 VIII. Catacombae: Sepulcrum romanum (Catacombs: Roman Tomb) VIII. Con mortuis in lingua mortua (With the Dead in a Dead Language) 1:41:35 IX. Izbushka na kuryikh nozhkakh (The Hut on the Fowl’s Legs): Baba Yaga 1:44:55 X. Bogatyrskiye vorota: V stolnom gorode vo Kiyeve (The Great Gate of Kiev) Frédéric Chopin, Nocturnes, Op. 9 1:50:33 No. 2 in E-flat Major 1:55:40 studio Cast Yunchan Lim — Pianist Program notes Since rocking the classical music firmament by becoming, at a preternaturally assured 18, the youngest artist ever to win the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition in 2022, South Korean pianist Yunchan Lim has continued to receive unanimous praise for his sold-out concerts and studio recordings. In his highly anticipated Verbier Festival debut, he performs a soulful Romantic program, making the piano sing in Mendelssohn’s lyrical Songs without Words, taking us through all twelve months of Tchaikovsky’s atmospheric cycle The Seasons, and immersing us in one of the most beloved programmatic works ever composed: Mussorgsky’s stately, effortlessly evocative Pictures at an Exhibition.
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