スタジオジブリピアノメドレー【作業用、勉強、睡眠用BGM】Studio Ghibli Piano Collection

・風の谷のナウシカ(1984)/Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1.風の伝説/Kazeno Densetsu (Legend of the Wind)0:00 ・天空の城ラピュタ(1986)Laputa:Castel in the Sky 2.君をのせて/Kimiwo Nosete(Carrying You)03:41 ・魔女の宅急便(1989)/Kiki’s Delivery Service 3.かあさんのホウキ/Kaasanno Houki(Mother’s Broom)07:08 4.海の見える街/Umino Mieru Matsu (A Town with an Ocean View)11:59 5.晴れた日に・・・/Hareta Hini(On a Clear Day)17:51 6.町の夜/Machino Yoru(The Night in Town)16:59 7.やさしさに包まれたなら/Yasashisani Tsutsumaretanara (Been Enveloped by
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