Violin Etude no 5 in A Major. Practice Video

Etude No. 5 in A major for violin by Fiona Vilnite. Practice video with metronome. This etude explores first and third positions and encourages confident use of the 4th finger and consecutive fingers. It also explores concepts of left-hand pizzicato (indicated by crosses above the relevant notes) and simple harmonics, sometimes used consecutively. Play along with this practice video to develop a sense of pulse and pitch. Repeat any areas that are more hesitant and/or difficult to play at first. Make sure that all note pitches are accurate and that everything can be played in time with ease. Repeat with the video and/or sections of it as much as needed. The video can be slowed-down or sped-up using the YouTube video settings. Happy playing! Subscribe for more practice videos and explorations into the violin repertoire and violin technique: Many Thanks!
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