[EN] Who is a ho? [VOX Monsters - Pikamee, Tomoshika, & Monoe]

Original stream: Pikamee: Tomoshika: Monoe: Subtitled by myself, translated by Laethiel of the VOMS fan server, and QC helpfully provided by Yuri. Feel free to join us on the VOMS Project English Fan Server: In case you missed it, check out the prior conversation between Pikamee and Tomoshika on the etymology of “kill da ho“, subtitled by Giobun: If you’re one of my usual subscribers, uh, surprise I guess. If this gives you a chuckle at all, I advise you to turn back now while you still can, or else forfeit all ye life to the vtuber overlords. Actually, pick the second one. It’s nice here.
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