Server Room 188 | Quiet Cy-Fi: Ambience

Second video of the ’Quiet Cy-Fi’ (’cyber fiction’) project, a series of audio ambiences, flavoured with a cyber\tech\futuristic atmosphere. Calm, lulling, introspective, immersive, a bit mysterious perhaps. In this ambience, you sit at the main terminal of a server room in the futuristic basement floor of a data-center, with no one around except you and the (very, very) droning machines. You dig in the endless mole of information flowing in the flashing nano-circuits. Features: ► the magnificent artwork is courtesy of NEIL GOWLAND [] (the animation effects are added by me). Thank you so much Mr. Gowland; ► server drone [many thanks to jerome_moinet from ]; ► several types of fans\conditioning drones [many thanks to LG from ]; ► a huge multitude of electric and electronic sounds, beeps and clicks [many t
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