🔵 This video has been created with respect and appreciation on Chris Rea music!
◉ Video Editing by sbc 🎧 Format MP4 2K
◈ “Auf Immer und Ewig“, is the title track of the 1986 film of the same name, original music by Chris Rea.
Auf Immer und Ewig (movie) is a german emotionally wrenching drama about a woman dying of a brain tumor. The single mother (Eva Mattes) does not tell her young son or anyone else about her condition. Instead, she travels to Hamburg and leaves her son in their hotel room while she goes off for a tryst with his father, the man she truly loves. Since she does not let the child’s father know why she has come back into his life, he does not follow up on their momentary meeting. After all, he has his own girlfriend and his own life to live. The inevitable moment comes when the dying mother must tell her son about his father, and the son’s pursuit of his dad begins.
◈ “Auf Immer und Ewig“, es la canción
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