UFO Sighted Over Joshua Tree, California ( July 3, 2021 )

STATEMENT : Hi. Had an incredible occurrence Saturday night (July 3). Four is us went to Joshua Tree for hopeful ET sightings. Although a great night no sightings. However driving home while on the 10 freeway I spotted a huge object motionless in the middle of the sky. No sound no propulsion. It was hovering right in front above us in the air. I wanted to take photos and videos because it was up close and clear but there was no way to safely pull over on the freeway initially. And to take photos at night out a moving window would not work (although we did try). I was amazed that no one else on the freeway had a reaction to this large craft. I could not understand how the trucks and cars kept driving by. It was about 3:15 AM (we left the dessert very late, LOL). Only the four of us in Rob Rowes truck had any recognition and response to it. I was wondering when we returned where to look for any postings about sightings? We attempted to do a few Google searches under: “UFO, sighting, today, California” but had
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