Potato and Mushroom Pies. Dough without yeast. Surely you have never made dough like this. #food
Recipe for 20 pies (you can reduce the quantities)
1 kg / - of potatoes
I needed 700 ml / - of water to cover the potatoes
salt to taste
1 onion
400g / - of mushrooms
(salt, pepper, aromatic herbs - to taste)
500 ml / - of water (cooled) in which the potatoes were boiled
3 tablespoons of sunflower oil
1 teaspoon of salt (don’t forget that the water from the potatoes also has salt)
850-900 g / - -of quality 1 flour
100 ml / - of sunflower oil to stretch the dough.
Baking time 35-40 minutes
Baking temperature 200C/392F - up/down
Boil the potatoes, separate the water in which they boiled and let it cool (don’t throw it away, you will need it). Meanwhile, saute the onion with 3 tablespoons of oil, and add the chopped mushrooms. Cook until the mushrooms leave their water. Pour the mushrooms into the mashed potatoes, add salt, pepper, aromatic herbs to taste. Weigh 500 ml of water in which you boiled the potatoes, add 3 tablespoons of oil, a teaspoon of salt and 850-900 g of flour. Knead a homogeneous, elastic dough. Cover with a towel and let it rest for 30 minutes. Cut the dough into 20 small pieces, form balls and cover them with a towel, let them rest for 20 minutes. Then stretch each ball with the help of a rolling pin and oil, place the dough strips one on top of the other and let them rest for 15-20 minutes. Stretch the dough into thin strips, put the potato-mushroom filling and roll. Bake in a preheated oven at 200C / 392F for 35-40 minutes.
Bon appetite!
1 view
2 months ago 00:11:54 1
Это безумно Вкусно Начинки больше чем теста Тающий во рту Необычный Ореховый Пирог Вкуснее не бывает
3 months ago 00:02:44 1
НИКТО не устоит перед такой КАРТОШКОЙ! Картофель запеченный в духовке под хрустящей корочкой
3 months ago 00:13:26 1
В магазине таких не купить Стакан кефира немного молока и мука Kак же это вкусно Праздничная Выпечка
4 months ago 00:08:04 1
БОЖЕ КАК ВКУСНО Научили в дорогом ресторане, удивила Всех моих гостей!Ни одного ПРАЗДНИКА без них
4 months ago 00:08:58 1
Как же это Вкусно Отрывной Пирог 2 яйца кефир 3 ст. муки Рецепт Бомба Тесто для новичков Замес 3 мин
4 months ago 00:11:09 1
ТЮЛЬПАНЫ ИЗ ЗЕФИРА 😍💐 Одной НАСАДКОЙ | Наталья Деревянко
4 months ago 00:27:29 1
Dinner in 10 minutes,which conquered the whole world❗️I cook it every week!Delicious and simple❗️🍽️
4 months ago 00:10:52 1
Kartoffeln mit Zwiebeln sind schmackhafter als Fleisch. Warum kannte ich dieses Rezept nicht? asmr
4 months ago 00:02:53 1