EXPLORER (2024 Free Digital Version) ZX Spectrum

So far this game has only been available via physical edition by Bumfun Gaming. Guide your ship through six enemy zones and destroy the final base. A first release of this game was written in Basic in far 1989, entitled Space Chase. It was an attempt to program a vertical version of Scramble, which is still my favourite arcade game, and essentially inspired by Caverns of Mars for the Atari 800/XL/XE computers. The title was taken from the popular italian clone of the original arcade game (back in the day I thought the original title was Explorer instead of Scramble). In 2015 the code was totally rewritten and compiled with Boriel’s ZX BASIC, revisiting the graphics and bringing a longer professional look. Three years later, a physical cassette release was published by George Cropper‘s Bumfun Gaming. Digital release by Luca Bordoni in 2024. Download here (The game is now for free, but please consider to donate): Huge playlist archive wit
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