Gibson Girls in 1904 - Edwardian Era Fashion brought to life [60 fps]

Restored with AI upscaling, a mesmerizing 1904 film of Edwardian era women punching timesheets at Westinghouse Works in in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Interpolated from original 15 fps to 60 fps, for added depth awareness, upscaled to 4k resolution. Finally colorized using AI algorithms. We also added an ambient soundtrack. Filmed at Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. by American Mutoscope and Biograph G.W Bitzer. The original footage held by Library of Congress is rather poor quality, but we think we brought some life back to this little time capsule. A chance to see with added clarity the true Edwardian era fashion of the American Gibson girl. Their walking skirts and blouses that were the staple daily style for women nearly 120 years ago. Bear in mind all these ladies were also wearing corsets. The Process: Some of the neural networks like Dain, and DeOldify are freely available on the Github community, if you are prepared to learn how to us
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