Scribbled Style Animation in After Effects | Tutorial
In this Video, I’ll break down my process of applying a hand drawn, scribbled style to animations.
Drawing at least parts of it with a pencil on real paper makes the animation much more convincing.
So I scribbled short sequences of basic elements, like lines or circles, scanned them and created a Photoshop file out of each sequence. Each frame is placed on a separate layer.
I imported all sequences as comps - retain layer size.
First of all, I created a background paper texture and a scribbled texture, which I used to fill the face.
For both of them I created sequences of the same picture, but changed the position and rotation slightly every 4 frames.
The main animation is a simple path animation. I used “trim paths“ and added roughen edges to make the clean line look more like a pencil stroke. Then I used a time expression to animate the evolution of that effect.
I used a wiggle expression to slightly change the position of the path every two frames.
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