Why China May Invade Taiwan’s Islands

China has threatened to unify with Taiwan, a democratic country about 100 miles from its coast., and it’s said it will do that by force, if necessary. But that doesn’t mean it will start with the mainland, where over 23 million people live. It could instead start with Taiwan’s islands, some of which are uninhabited by civilians. In this episode of China Unscripted, we discuss what the US response might be to China taking Taiwan’s islands, why China might try to take them in August 2023, and how China’s economy might factor into its decision to invade Taiwan. Joining us once again today is Guermantes Lailari, a retired US Air Force Foreign Area Officer specializing in the Middle East and Europe, as well as strategy, irregular warfare, and missile defense. Last year, he was a Ministry of Foreign Affairs Taiwan Fellow. This year he is a visiting scholar at National Chengchi University in Taipei. This is a highlight from the full episode: No. 214 Why China Might Invade Taiwan in August
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