Trafficking in human beings
All age groups
Sexual exploitation (66% of global revenue)
Labour / servitude
Organ removal
Exponentially growing worldwide, internet,
trafficking of children for online commercial sexual exploitation,
videos and photos,
torture and rape of children,
including toddlers
Coercion and/or force
Violence and torture
Forced to watch abuse of children
Forced injection with drugs
US Department of Homeland Security
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world.
Annual revenue of US$150 billion (2014)
Second largest criminal enterprise after drugs
Particularly vulnerable
Abusive family environment
Displacement during violent conflict
Living under corruption
International (UN) Labour Organization (2022)
50 million humans
One in every 150 people in the world
Over 12 million are children
Sexual exploitation
6.3 million people in situations of forced commercial sexual exploitation on any given day, (2021)
This number includes 1.7 million children in commercial sexual exploitation, (ILO 2022)
Some survivors report having been forced to engage in sexual intercourse with up to fifty perpetrators in a single day
Children trafficked for sex tourism serve about 1,500 customers per year,
more than half of those children are under the age of 12
Internet abuse, 2019
Nearly 70 million child sexual abuse files (videos/pictures),
78% of child abuse files involved children under the age of 12,
63% showed children under 8
At any given time, there are 750,000 to over 1 million predators online searching for these files
Forced labour and servitude
Over 20 million people
Hazardous conditions, mines, fields, factories, homes, construction sites.
Carry heavy loads, exposed to pesticides and other toxins
Work excessive hours, severe weather conditions.
Denigrating treatment, constant risk of violent abuse.
Tens of thousands become ill and die.
Organ and blood harvesting
Numbers uncertain
Reports of it are increasing across the world
Medical and ritual purposes
2017, Daesh (ISIS)
Organs from oppressed minorities and prisoners
Governments and organised crime networks
Human Trafficking in the U.S. and Europe
Trafficking for sexual exploitation most common type
72% of detected survivors in North America
“with the market forces of prostitution driving demand for human trafficking of women and girls“
“Studies find that up to 80% of samples of women and girls serving as prostitutes had been coerced or forced to engage in prostitution by pimps or traffickers.“
United States
“accounts for nearly 50% of all IP addresses engaging in P2P file sharing of child pornography images“
The New York Times (2019)
“ The images are horrific. Children, some just 3 or 4 years old, being sexually abused and in some cases tortured.
Some followed by travel to Latin America and the Caribbean.
The majority of trafficking victims, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldowa, Ukraine, Nigeria
Brought to Central and Western Europe for exploitation.
We call for decisive, targeted measures to end human trafficking. These include but are not limited to the following:
Public Awareness
Law Enforcement