AI Weekly Update Overview - July 15th, 2021

Notion Link: The remainder of the update will be released shortly! Thanks for watching! Chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:14 Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code 1:08 Multi-task Curriculum Learning in Minecraft 2:11 Mind Your Outliers! Active Learning in VQA 3:14 Prioritized Training 4:15 Population-Based Bandit Optimization 5:46 Null Prompts 7:13 Multimodal Few-Shot Learning 8:08 VidLanKD 9:02 Audiovisual Self-Supervised Learning 9:28 SCARF 9:56 MultiCite 11:18 Time-Aware Language Models 12:02 Long-Short Transformer 13:04 Collaboration of Experts 14:05 BASALT 15:03 EleutherAI: Year One 15:39 Towards Continual Learning Systems
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