Doctor Who - The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles: Geronimo!
In 2018, Big Finish brought the Time Lord’s eleventh incarnation to audio, with Jacob Dudman narrating and later starring in the title role. However, Jacob’s turn as the Eleventh Doctor is sadly drawing to a close, with this series, his third, due to be his last.
All four volumes take place between the 2012 Doctor Who TV stories The Snowmen and The Bells of Saint John, following the Doctor’s search for Clara Oswald.
October’s Geronimo! opens this chapter — making it a great jumping on point for new listeners — and introduces new companion, Valarie Lockwood, played by Safiyya Ingar.
The three action-packed adventures in Geronimo! are as follows:
The Inheritance by Alfie Shaw
The House of Masks by Georgia Cook
The End by Rochana Patel
Doctor Who: Geronimo! is available to pre-order as a collector’s edition CD box set ( download for just £) or as a digital download only (for just £), exclusively here.
Volume two, entitled All of Time and Space, due for release in February 2023, and the penultimate volume, scheduled for February 2024, are each available to pre-order at the same price.
The final box set in the series, also set for release in February 2024, contains a bonus adventure to conclude Jacob’s Eleventh Doctor era. It can be pre-ordered for just £ (collector’s edition 4-disc CD box set download) or £ (download only).
And, of course, Big Finish listeners can save money by pre-ordering all four box sets together in a bundle for just £81 (collector’s edition CD box set download) or £69 (download only).
Producer Alfie Shaw said: “Jacob Dudman has everything you could ever want from a lead. Not only is he an unbelievably talented actor, but he’s also a warm and gracious presence in the studio. While it’s sad to see him go, it’s been such a privilege to work with him. Before he hangs up the bow tie, we’ve got four brilliant box sets.
“There are moments of pure heartbreak, timey and wimey stories, and one of the most joyous resolutions to a cliffhanger in the entire history of Doctor Who. Throughout all of this, he’s joined by the amazing Safiyya Ingar as Valarie Lockwood, our new companion. I can’t wait for everyone to hear what we have in store for them.”
Jacob Dudman added: “This is a new era for the Eleventh Doctor. Twelve episodes forming a series arc, just as you’d have in the show. It’s ‘Series ’ — for want of a better title — complete with our new series companion, Valarie, played brilliantly by Safiyya Ingar. We’ve acquired the cream of Big Finish talent to really go out with a bang.
“It’s been an honour playing this part, but after six years it feels right to wrap things up. For now, though, we have a few years of THE most exciting, mind-bending and heart-wrenching Doctor Who box sets I’ve ever done. Geronimo!”
Safiyya Ingar said: “To say this is a dream come true is an understatement. Travelling time and space with the Doctor (played by the wonder that is Jacob Dudman) and playing such an intelligent, feisty and tenacious character like Valarie — what more could I ask for?!
“The team have welcomed me, challenged me and given me the opportunity to throw myself into a world I’ve loved since I was a child. This box set is thrilling and will definitely put everyone through their emotional paces. Buckle up!”
All the above prices include the special pre-order discount and are subject to change after general release. From November 2022, new pre-order prices will apply for unreleased box sets.
Big Finish is currently operating a digital-first release schedule. The mail-out of collector’s edition CDs may be delayed due to factors beyond our control, but all purchases of this release unlock a digital copy that can be immediately downloaded or played on the Big Finish app from the release date.
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