Single del nou EP ’Pais de Titellaires’ ja disponible!
Directed and edited by Iago Román & Pol Garcia.
Recorded by Roger Folch i Roc Busom
Actors: Raquel Núñez, Ramón Petit ( mini-Ramones), Cati Sancho, Isma Freire, Ivan Fernández, Laura Isbert, Mai Casamayor, Matias Titellaire, Eduard Garcia.
Taken from the upcoming EP “País de Titellaires“
Recorded, mixed & produced by Josep M. Castelló at Canela Hank Studio and Sol de Sants Studio.
Mastered at Hitmakers Mastering by Marco Rostagno
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LLETRA (english below):
Som un gran país de titellaires
i fem titelles per arreglar el món
ningú ho vol reconèixer, però tots sabem que el monstre
no desapareix per tancar els ulls
Consumim dissidència envasada
banyada en bonrollisme inofensiu
Tenim una garrafa plena de cançons nyordes
que ens ajuda a oblidar que no és estiu
Som “impulsius, rebels i inconformistes”
i una llista molt llarga de clixés
Anem buscant pel terra un nou Déu en qui creure
i que ens marqui a quin ritme ser inofensius
Anem drogats de tendresa insubmisa
i romanticisme de garrafón
omplir-te el pit de vida
i perseguir els teus somnis
i mil problemes més del Primer Món
Us proposem passar a l’altra banda
i desaprendre el plaer d’encaixar
Deixeu tots de somriure d’una puta vegada
que aquí no hi ha una merda a celebrar
Música morta estil quadre de pomes
i versos plens de UOO per corejar (uoioió, uaiaià)
i si no és costumisme és festa titellaire
o amor d’aquell de quan teníem 15 anys
Tu aprèn a dominar aquesta recepta
la fórmula per fer aquest garrafón
El primer de saber-se les normes de la gàbia
serà el màxim rei del cul del món
seràs tu el maxim rei del cul del món?
Seràs el maxim rei del cul del món!
We’re a great country of puppeteers
and we play with puppets to fix the world
Nobody wants to recognize it, but we all know that the monster
does not disappear by closing your eyes
We consume packaged dissidence
bathed in harmless good vibes
We have a barrel bottom full of childish songs
that helps us forget it’s not summer
We are “impulsive, rebel and non-conformist“
and a very long list of cliches
We are looking for a new God to believe in
who let us know which pace to be harmless
We are drugged with “unsubmissive tenderness”
and cheap romanticism
“fill your chest with life”
and “ pursue your dreams”
And a thousand more First World problems
We suggest you to move to the other side
And unlearn the pleasure of fitting
Stop the fucking smiling once for all
Cause there is no shit here to celebrate
Dead music “apple-painting” style
and verses full of UOO to sing along
and if it is not “costumbrismo”, it is puppet party
or 15 years old kind of love
You should learn to master this recipe
the formula to this scruffy barrel
The first one to know the rules of this prison
will be the greatest king of the world’s ass
will you be the greatest king of the ass of the world?
You will be the greatest king of the ass of the world!
7 months ago 00:38:53 1
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