Butcher Babies - Korova (Lyric Video)

---SONG MEANING--- Korova, from Russian, it literally translates to cow, but in this context it’s “a guy you take along on a prison break so you can eat him later.“ The Russian Gulags were forced labor camps scattered all around Siberia, a place where prisoners could work themselves to death. The problem with escape, beyond somehow getting past all the armed guards, was the fact that most of these camps were located out in the middle of frozen fucking nowhere. So even if you didn’t get shot by snipers or torn apart by dogs while trying to escape, you would still wind up dying of exposure or starvation somewhere in the Siberian tundra. Resourceful inmates soon had a splendid solution for this. While they couldn’t exactly pack a boxed lunch for their escape, they could pack something even more nourishing than that and didn’t even need to be carried. A korova: some simple-hearted, trusting fellow inmate whom you invited to join your escape. Then, once you both made it out and into the icy wastelands, this sorry dupe became an unwitting slaughter animal, much like an actual cow. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING IN THIS VIDEO. ALL RIGHTS GO TO THEIR ACTUAL OWNERS. “KOROVA“ taken from Butcher Babies new album “LILITH“.
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