Encounters in China EP05 Chris & Xue 当英国古堡遇到中国园林

There are lots of cross-border friendships and in some sense, it is these friendships that build understanding between people from different countries and make the world a better place. For more about these encounters between Chinese and people from other country, please check out the series “Encounters in China“ from the playlist Dr Chris Ridgway of Castle Howard, Yorkshire, and Xue Zhijian of The Humble Administrator’s Garden, Suzhou, met by chance at a conference for heritage professionals in China. Despite the gardens of these two estates being of vastly different sizes and locations, Dr Ridgway and Xue Zhijian found that their gardens had a lot in common, such as their feelings of harmony, and their focus on beauty both within their boundaries and beyond them. If you like our channel, you may subscribe to it at You may also follow us on various social media: Facebook:
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