Watch moment Putin’s £93m nuke bomber explodes into giant fireball after plummeting to the ground

EXPLOSIVE video has captured the moment one of Vlad’s nuke bombers plummets to the ground, bursting into flames in a humiliating blow. The £93million Tu-22M3 aircraft cannoned down in the remote Irkutsk region, exploding into a giant fireball. Read more: The Sun delivers breaking news, latest gossip and incredible exclusives around the world with hubs in London, New York, Scotland and Ireland. Covering topics from news, money and sport along with our famous Fabulous Magazine, The Sun is the biggest news brand in the UK and one of the fastest growing news sites in the US. Stay tuned for video clips across the biggest news stories and segments from The Sun’s expert journalists. Become a Sun Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know. Read The Sun: Like The Sun on Face
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