(00:15) Disclaimer Nick
(01:04) Disclaimer Yuri
(01:20) How does America changed between the period you relocated and nowadays reality ?
(09:37) How to join US Army ?
(12:16) That word Capitalism
(16:15) You live in Miami - How does it feel ?
(17:30) Is there very Hot in Ukraine now ?
(18:13) Shabbat Shalom
(18:39) During a full-scale invasion - why the skies above Ukraine was not sealed, although they could do it ? And why sky isn’t closed until now ?
(19:50) Your comments about blast on the Herson GES, and is possible repeat of that terract on Zaporozskaya AES ?
(20:54) During the beginning of all conflict in 2014, how was you looking in the future - in the perspectives of it all, and how far your vision differes with today’s reality ?
(24:06) Can we pickup recent scandal about jackets ? When they was acquisited and sold with triple price. Can we get a couple of comments from you ?
(25:28) About Moldova - I am curious as Neighbour: Ukraine has a lot of Neighbours, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. Is there a probability that they might suffer from this ?
(26:38) After two successful counter-assaults from under Harkov side - and under Herson - how do you describe now situation with counter-strike on Zaporozhskom destination ?
(27:23) F-16 Jets: How stong - transferring of F-16 jets will change to better way situation now ?
(28:19) Has Putin duplicates ?
(29:06) What are your prognosis on the eliberation or return of Crimea ?
(30:07) When will be complete victory ?
(30:40) The sellers of Future News
(31:15) Biggest mistake of Ukraine, which if did not happened, all this won’t have happened ?
(33:16) There will be a lot of Criminalitet ?
(34:30) How big difference is between Zelensky in Media ?
(37:39) Would be able, hypothetically, people from East and West finally negotiate ?
(39:23) When we used to have de-nuclearizing how hard they nailed us ?
(41:49) How different is Ukrainian war compared to the rest warzones you’ve been into ?
(43:25) Could these events lead to breaking down of European Union ?
(45:35) Can Russia be evicted from the United Nations alliance ?
(47:26) Ukraine in 10 years ?
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