VENOM and the Flounder!

In today’s world, more and more people feel possessed by demons. Many not only hear their voices within themselves, argue and agree with them, act according to their will, but also see demons in reality. More and more people feel and experience emotional and physical pressure due to the presence of impure spirits dwelling with them. How often movies reflect the reality of our life, but, unfortunately, films don’t show a solution. Modern films are full of predictions about developments, about mutations, obsessions, biological weapons, about the end of the world, epidemics, genocide and wars which are already going on or are awaiting humanity in the future. The current movies are no longer the good old films that used to be. The film industry demonstrates and displays the problems that overwhelm humanity, and it predicts future troubles. It’s no secret that modern man is more and more tormented by constant conflicts within himself. This is a fight with a demon that lives right inside you.
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