In this vlog, we are bringing you an inside look into the International Students Day program held in Russia. Follow along as we explore the exciting and diverse cultural event showcasing the talents and traditions of international students studying in Russia. We’ll take you on a tour of the program, highlighting the various activities, performances, and exhibitions. You’ll witness firsthand the lively energy and enthusiasm of the students as they come together to celebrate their individual backgrounds and cultures. As we delve further into the vlog, we’ll also give you an insight into the challenges and experiences faced by international students studying abroad. We’ll share their stories of resilience, persistence, and determination to succeed in a foreign academic environment. Whether you are an international student yourself, or just interested in learning more about different cultures, this vlog is a must-watch! So sit back, relax, and join us on this exciting journey. Subscribe to our channel for more incredible vlogs covering a diverse range of topics from all over the world!
We also had the chance to speak with some of the students and hear their unique stories about studying in Russia. They shared how their experiences have been and what they love about the culture.
It was such an incredible opportunity to see people from different backgrounds come together and appreciate each other’s differences.
We hope this video gave you a glimpse of what the International Students Day program in Russia is all about. Thanks for watching, and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more travel adventures!
#InternationalStudentsDay #Russia #StudyAbroad #HigherEducation #StudentLife #EducationAbroad #InternationalEducation #CampusLife #CultureExchange #InternationalExperience #StudentCommunity #GlobalCitizen #InterdisciplinaryStudies #LanguageLearning #StudentEvent #StudyRussia #RussianCulture #RussiaEducation #StudentCelebration #StudyInternational
Camera : Iphone x
Music : Asakaa boys glitch version & Malcom Nuna Staircase
Time Codes :
0:09 - Introduction
1:02 - 4:24 - Performances ( Students from Tanzania 🇹🇿, Nigeria 🇳🇬 , Equatorial Guinea 🇬🇶 , lebanon 🇱🇧, Palestine 🇵🇸 , Syria 🇸🇾, Moldova 🇲🇩)
4:35 - Interview with Ancha from Mozambique 🇲🇿
(6th Year medical student )She talks about her experiences as an international. How she sailed through and how to be the best .
6:17 - interview with Solomon from Tanzania 🇹🇿(1st year Engineering student) . He shares his first touch experiences as a foreign student studying in the Russian medium. He makes his challenges known to us .
7:47 - Interview with Victor from Democratic Republic Of Congo (1st year Engineering student) he shares some experiences he has gathered for his short term here in Russia Maikop and Adygea to be precise.
9:09 - Conclusion of the video
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