The Power of the Electromagnetic Field & The Power of The Heart

The EMF protection/Water structuring card that Drunvalo is talking here is Flower of the Heart Harmony Card: Use the coupon code “HEART“ and get $15 off your first order!! A Live Interview featuring Drunvalo Melchizedek with Agathi & Daniel from The School of The Heart on the show “The Bridge“ on Awake Tv Network - LINKS - ► TSOTH: ► Flower of the Heart: Drunvalo Melchizedek, the Master who brought the most important meditations to humanity: heart meditations & sacred geometry meditations with the Heart Merkaba. Agathi Chris is the Master Teacher that is directly working with Drunvalo and Ascended Masters, transforming in feminine way the ancient teachings of Heart Imagery. Daniel Mitel is the Master Teacher & the Custodian Leader of The School of The Heart, author, we
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