Kimbra performs “Wandering Limbs“ live for
From the album VOWS, in stores and online now:
“I’m going to dangle my feet over the wire“, croons Kimbra on the opening line of Wandering Limbs. It’s a position in which she seems perfectly comfortable, walking the wire she’s stretched between jazz influences and an eccentrically dark take on pop song-writing. “If you like Nina Simone, Florence The Machine, and/or Bjork, then we think you will enjoy Kimbra — her music reminds us of all those fierce ladies!“ wrote Perez Hilton after seeing the video for her single “Settle Down“.
Stripped of the pop production so heavy in her released tracks, we were excited to hear Kimbra exposed only to the acoustic echoes of the lane we’d chosen. With dueling vocalist and keys player Sam Lawrence in tow, we met up with stylishly attired Kim
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