“The Girl Next Door“ - The Alexandrov Red Army Choir (1965)
“The Girl Next Door“ Ukrainian Cossack Folk Song
Performed by the Alexandrov Red Army Choir.
This is a clip from a 1965 musical film “Soviet Army Chorus, Band and Dance Ensemble“ (Germany-USSR).
You can watch other clips of this film here -
The shooting of this clip was made in Kurkino, near Moscow by a German operator, former operator of Hitler.
Folk music of the Soviet Union the Soviet Army, Chorus, Band and Dance Ensemble performs a wide variety of Russian dances and songs.
This rare and historic program was filmed on location in the former Soviet Union. The brilliant ensemble consisted of about 200 entertainers including a choir and choreographic troupe, who traveled the front lines, entertaining Soviet troops by performing more than 1500 concerts during World War II.
This musical film brings to life the essence of Russian music and performance with spectacular singing, dancing and acrobatics.