Model like face: What makes someone a model? Let’s figure out if modeling agency is looking for you

❤ Please watch “Types of model looks“ video first ❤ Hello beautiful people! Here’s a spontaneous video where I’m sharing my thoughts on how to figure out if you have what it takes for modeling. And to be specific, we will be talking about model facial features and I will answer one of your questions: How do I know if I have model like face or not? And in this video I would like to explain why it’s always hard for me to answer this question and will also let you know how you can educate yourself to understand how everything works: why someone is a good fit for modeling and the other person isn’t. → @tatianakurnosova on Instagram → @bytatianakurnosova on TikTok @bytatianakurnosova → Photography website EDUCATION & HELPFUL RESOURSES: ❤ “How to become a model“ book
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