chuck & blair | “ your the one“ (5x10) & (5x11)

(WATCH HD 720p!!) been a while since i posted a chuck blair video ; hope you all like it :) “Spoilers from gossip girl 5x11 5x10 episode “ HOW FREAKING AMAIZNG WAS TONIGHT THE PROMO! BLAIR WEARINGS CHUCKS ROBE! *TEARS*. Probably my favorite mid-season episode on gossip girl by far. I HATE charlie at the moment but it was nate who brought the idea in her head. Now There was also some great Derena scenes! but i will make there videos tomorow . I felt so bad for dan though ; love is something you cant control how is it that everyone knows hes in love with blair But blair? Really? Anyways Notice how everyone that loved blair was at the hospiatal but louis!! PLEASE LET HIM DIE! :D anyways if your a chuck blair fan please subscribe to the collab channel :
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