Learn HOW TO PAINT SKIN like a PRO! Ogroid Myrmidon Masterclass - Part 2

Welcome the the second part of the Ogroid Myrmidon miniature painting masterclass. In this part we are looking at a few basic principles of miniature painting, like adapting the color opaqueness and consistency to a situation, how to define shapes and volumes, how to get a lot of color variety with only a few colors and how to apply texture. All of it packed into the exercise of painting the skintones of our myrmidon. This series is free, but please consider supporting my work on Patreon or through any of the options listed below the timestamps, like buying one of my painting-guides in my webstore or using my affiliate links to buy things like brushes, that you need to buy anyway. Or follow my social media, which also helps a lot! Thanks! Timestamps: 0:00 Intro (Need this timestamp to get chapters to display) 0:24 Introduction and overview 1:47 List of paints 1:51 On priming 2:25 Basecolors 2:40 Applying the first color-variation 4:15 Opaqueness and transparency 5:40 Def
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