Devil May Cry HD Collection | DMC 2 | Killing The Two Final Bosses With Infinite Majin Devil Trigger
So here’s some DMC 2 gameplay of me using the Majin Devil Trigger on the two final bosses, i uploaded this cause i also used three cheats (with a trainer) to prolong the Devil Trigger form
the cheats are...
-Max Devil Trigger Gauge
-Inf. Devil Trigger Duration
-Inf Health
(another thing, to get this to work you need to get into the majin state aka have really low health with the first two codes above enabled, then when you activate majin form, use the inf health code and you will have infinite health with an infinite majin form to top it off! - i’d say this is the only reason to even be playing DMC 2 xD)
The Trainer to do this can be downloaded here