[MMD One Piece] - Luffy Law Ace - ’威風堂々 / Pomp and Circumstance’
Video requested by lawlu lover 29
I added Ace because this motion is made for 3 and love him a lot
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Credits :
▶ Motion/Camera :
Animation by Craft Egg
Motion convert by Seto
Facials by MomoMMD and seto
Camera by RaC
▶ Models
▷ Luffy by Tecmo Koei/Omega Force/Namco Bandai/rotten-eyed/Stekinomai/Sticklove and me - NO DL
▷ Law by Namco Bandai/Koei Techmo/BurningEnchanter and me
▷ Ace by tsukudani
▶ Stage by 中微子夹心饼干
▶ Effect by Rui , ikeno, nutellapie, Beamman, chestnutscoop, sovoro, Mfakane, わたり and Elle
#luffy #law #ace #onepiece #mmd