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Golden Age of Kievan Rus-KIEVAN RUS’ - KOLOVRAT - Slavic Pagan Music Mongol Invasion of Kievan Rus-“In Praise of Genghis Khan“ Polish-Lithuanian period-Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny (All Songs Music) Khmelnytsky Uprising-Cossack Zaporozhian song Russo-Polish War-Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny (All Songs Music) Russo-Turkish War-Ukrainian Folk Song - Хай живе, вільна Україна (Long live,free Ukraine!) Great Northern War-Ukrainian Patriotic Song - Oh, On the Mountain the Reapers are Reaping the fall of Zaporizhian Sich-Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny (All Songs Music) Ukrainian-Soviet War-“Ой, у лузі червона калина“ - Ukrainian Patriotic Song Ukrainian-Polish War-Ukrainian Patriotic Song - For Ukraine (1917) Holodomor-Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny (All Songs Music) World War 2-“On the 22nd of June, at Exactly 4am“ - Soviet Song About the German Invasion Chernobyl Incident-Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny (All Songs Music) Ukrainian Independence-“National Anthem of Ukraine: Shche ne Vmerla Ukrainy ni volia“ Orange Revolution-“Наша Україна“ (Our Ukraine) - Song of the Orange Revolution Euromaidan-Mr. Incredible Becomes Uncanny (All Songs Music) Annexation of Crimea-“To Serve Russia“ - Russian Army Song (DPRK Choir Version) Donbass War-“Гей степами“ - Ukrainian Patriotic Song Russian Invasion of Ukraine-“Njet Vladimir“ - Ukrainian War Song
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