Inglourious Basterds - Video Essay & Analysis

In this video review & analysis, I’m going to deconstruct and analyze Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds released in 2009. From the cover, this film is incredibly entertaining and plot driven. But at the core, Tarantino is alluding to much more. I’ll break down many different parts of Inglourious Basterds from what certain scenes mean, to hidden easter eggs within the film, to what Tarantino may have wanted you to see. Quentin Tarantino is one of the most thought-provoking filmmakers of our lifetime. I hope this analysis on Inglourious Basterds shows you how much meticulous detail Tarantino put into this film. And of course, this type of analysis can be applied to all of Tarantino’s films. It is full of hyperreality and intertextuality. Intertexuality is when a writer or director references his or her film via another media (film, tv, music, or the like). You can find plenty of this in his Kill Bill series, Django Unchained, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, well actuall
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