Starlight 2 Alphabet

Starter Unit – Hello, Magic Friends! Прослушай песенку и спой её. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M. I can sing the alphabet, Can you do the same? I can sing the alphabet, I’ve got it in my head, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z! Objectives To present/consolidate the English alphabet. Language In this lesson the students will learn to understand: • Who’s got (a – /±/) in their name? In this lesson the students will learn to use: • ant, bat, cap, duck, elf, flower, ghost, hat, iguana, jaguar, koala, lion, mouse, nut, orange, puppet, queen, rabbit, snail, tomato, umbrella, violet, wizard, fox, yo-yo, zebra Extra Materials • The Alphabet poster for Presentation & Practice; • slips of paper with the letters a-z and a bag for the Ending the Lesson activity. BEGINNING THE LESSON (An activity to revise the language taught in Lesson 1.) Invite students, in pairs, to stand in front of the class and i
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