Restoring Arcade Joystick for My Original PlayStation - Retro Console Restoration

Head to to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code ODDTINKERING I will restore this Arcade Joystick for my PlayStation that I restored and upgraded recently. The controller is quite yellow ans the joystick sometimes gets stuck. The controller was made by Asciiware in the 90’s. And it has extra switches to simulate automatically pressing buttons. After disassembling the controller I cleaned the circuit board with isopropyl alcohol and oiled the joystick. To temove teh yellowing I used a retrobrighting method explained more in this video: Since creating that tutorial I made also this box to have better contol of the temperature and to allow me easily use any size container. More about the box on this video: Once I had removed the yellowingthere was still some marks left on the shell. I was able to remove those with a magic sponge. I also didn’t want to use the
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