I saw a picture of this block on Pinterest. There was no link. There were no comments that I could find, so I do not know it’s origin. Quilt finishes at 75“ x 90“ and the block finishes at 15“. There is one block with two different colorings.
FOR ACCUQUILT - Use the following 3“ finished dies:
3“ fin squares - GO! Square-3 1/2“ (3“ Finished) (55701) (Shape 1 in 6“ QUBE)
3“ fin HST - GO! Half Square Triangle-3“ Finished Square (55703) (Shape 3 in 6“ QUBE)
3“ fin square in square -
1. GO! Square on Point-2 5/8“ (2 1/8“ Finished) (55706) (Shape 6 in 6“ QUBE)
2. GO! Half Square Triangle-1 1/2“ Finished Square (55705) (Shape 5 in 6“ QUBE)
Triangle in Square (Tri Rec) -
1. If you have the 6&q