Quadriplegic Skydiver’s Narrow Escape

Heart-stopping video footage shows the moment a paralysed skydiver dices with death at 5,000 ft when the lines of his parachute become twisted – before he calmly untangles them. Quadriplegic Jarrett Martin, who lost the use of both legs after a jump stunt accident seven years ago, caught the parachute problem on his helmet camera during a dive in Dubai. The 25-year-old can be seen having to unravel his ’chute after the lines rotated around themselves FOUR TIMES in mid-air – an issue normally classed as an Суть метода состоит в том, чтобы попытаться закрутить свободные концы в направлении, п...ротивоположном закрутке строп, и попытаться таким образом ослабить их натяжение, что в свою очередь должно остановить вращение.
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