How to Build The Double Diamondback Slentre Braid Coil - Or Whatever It’s Called

I’ll be honest. I have no idea what this build is really called. It’s a Slentre Braid variant of one kind or another. That’s the beauty of braids, tho. You really can do just about anything with them. Even just with the Vertebraid as your starting off point. Add one cores, add two cores, three cores even or more… change up the number of loops you’re using… vary up the movements of your index finger (operator finger) through the loops and you can get entirely different results. And that, my friends, is the beauty of building. This build is made with 5 loops of 32 guage and 2 strands of 26 guage for the cores - the same combination of wires (more or less) that we used in the last braid we put together, and yet the results are completely different. The primary difference here? A slight variation in the movement of the operator finger and the placement of the loop over the outside core as opposed to the inside core. That’s it. Mounted up in the Aeronaut Version 2.5, single coil, it ohms out at about
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