Most powerful Exercises to Relieve Lower Back Pain || Shri Ram Medical College.

Low back pain affects most folks. Despite your back “playing up,“ you should maintain working out. Before stretching, warm up. Stretch without bouncing. Stretch for 20–30 seconds to avoid overstretching. Transverse abdominis is vital for lower back support. Lower back pain often results from severe muscle weakness. These muscles can be strengthened gradually and safely. Bird dog exercises improve lower back flexibility. “All-fours“ position: hands under shoulders, knees under hips. Maintain a neutral spine and head alignment. Exhaling, draw your abdomen in toward your spine and stretch the opposite arm and leg. Always maintain a neutral spine and avoid slouching. Exhale and lower your leg and arm to the floor after 5-10 seconds. Alternate sides for 8–12 reps. This change shouldn’t hurt. If done incorrectly, your back ache will worsen the next day. Another fantastic lower back flexibility exercise is the bridge. Squat down with your knees bent and feet flat on the floo
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