If you have an elderly family member, you know that they probably don’t ask for help very often. Elderly people generally want to maintain their sense of autonomy by doing things like grocery shopping and driving oneself. On the other hand, your loved one will require your assistance at some point.
Unfortunately, due to both the ageing of the population and the dearth of geriatricians, most older patients will be relied upon their regular doctors for the bulk of their medical needs.
The effects of illness, trauma, and injury on elderly people vary from those of younger ones. This results in
...dissimilar procedures for making diagnoses, associated dangers, and treatment goals.
Changes in vision, hearing, reaction time, and the ability to quickly assimilate and use new information are only some of the neurologic and sensory impairments commonly seen in the elderly.
Comorbidities, including diabetes, chronic renal disease, and heart disease, are more common among the elderly.
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