Electric cars are a SCAM (why “Zero Emission“ is a dirty lie)

✉️ OUR NEWSLETTER: 📚 OUR COURSE/MEMBERSHIP: Here’s why electric cars are a scam, and aren’t even close to being zero emissions. But hey, aren’t these new “environmentally friendly“ vehicles supposed to help us save the planet? Well, I’m not so sure. Of course, in many ways electric cars are better than gasoline-powered ones. In most nations, an electric car puts out less carbon than a gas car per mile or kilometre. But most of the time, the carbon and cost to our planet of manufacturing electric cars and the waste they produce aren’t factored in. And neither is the cost of human lives, especially in cobalt mining. Of course, a lot of these facts are glossed over, or buried via PR and shady marketing tactics, just so that Telsla, and other electric car manufacturers can peddle the “zero emission“ lie, in order to make a lot of money. Did you know about any of the stuff
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