Extreme AMPHIBIOUS Russian offroad vehicle: Aton-Impulse VIKING-2992

4x4xAMPHIBIOUS, VIKING combines the best of extreme off-road with internal water-jet powered amphibious capability. The ATON IMPULSE VIKING-2992 is a unique special purpose vehicle, ideal for heavy industry, exploration, arctic use, flood-relief, NGOs, rescue and emergency services. VIKING is the only amphibious off-road vehicle in the world to have passed through certification to meet UN/ECE regulations for unrestricted ON-ROAD USE. VIKING’s world-leading amphibious capabilities are based around its purpose-designed flotation construction, centrally mounted engine and powerful water-jet propulsion enable it to ford open water at speeds of up to 15 km/h. The vehicle’s wheels may be optionally engaged while in amphibious mode, providing unique ability to cope with shallow water and to transit the challenging littoral zone, where other vehicles commonly become stuck in soft mud. Off-road, VIKING is overwhelmingly superior to comparable amphibians, with cross-country ability akin to
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